Wednesday, September 4, 2019

out of the starting blocks

So, our school year is officially underway!

Yesterday was our first "normal" day, and although classes were a little short, we still managed to get a lot done. All three sections - Honors 101, Honors 102, and SuperHumanGeo - re-seated themselves, received important information about how to contact me, and learned about how to set up their blogs.

Today is an "A day" and the SuperHumanGeo section got up to speed on their blogs and started a discussion about how difficult high school can be. Honors 101 were introduced to Elbert Hubbard and his theories on how lazy and unmotivated some people can be.

This is a reminder that every day we have Human Geo class, you have to write a blog, which means all three sections needed to blog yesterday, and two sections need to blog tonight.

Also, don't forget to pick up your Composition Book for note-taking!

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