Tuesday, September 10, 2019

more excellence

Our studies of excellence, especially as demonstrated by the ancient Greeks, continues. Remember, these are the people who invented democracy, who revolutionized philosophy, and set an example for humanity that is worth emulating even today. They weren't perfect, but they got an awful lot right. If we seem to be spending a lot of time on Socrates, well, there are good reasons for that. He is considered a hero of the intellect. He certainly stood up for what he believed in, and refused to recant his beliefs, even when faced with a brutal death. His was a life well-lived, even if the end was not the peaceful conclusion he deserved. I hope it seems obvious why we are spending so much time and effort studying concepts like arete, and people like Socrates, as you begin your high school journey. You are at the perfect age to begin laying down a terrific foundation for the person you will become. After all, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

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