Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Solution Project

The Solution Project has begun for the Honors sections. Primarily using the CIA World Factbook, plus other sites of your choosing, students will research a developing nation and a post-industrial nation, each of which comes with their own unique challenges. The task is to come up with a working solution to each country's most pressing problem. Here are the assignments:

Section 102:

Puerto Rico & Italy
  • Caroline, Emily, Lizzie, Ramona, Joi
Somalia & Japan
  • Lily, Sean, David, Nick, Christo
Cuba & Russia
  • Sierra, Chloe, Madison, Meghan, Kenzie
Afghanistan & US
  • George, Nora, Austin, Bridget 

Section 101: 

Colombia & Germany
  • Sam D, Andrew C, Karlee H, Clare H, Laura H, 
Tanzania & Italy
  • Gabby A, Brenna B, Dan G, Giada S
Yemen & Canada
  • Reagan M, Charlotte P, Maddie R, Alex R
Viet Nam & Japan
  • Izzy C, Aeowynn A, Ashley E, Brant O, Griffin S

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