Monday, November 4, 2019

in-class Population assignment

SuperHumanGeo and Honors 101: I will not be with you in class today. Here is your 10-point, in-class assignment.

1) You will search the CIA World Factbook to find five pieces of information that reflect our studies in Population and Migration. Try to stay away from trivial, unimportant factoids, and search out items that are significant and impactful. For each of these facts you will write a brief paragraph describing why you found this fact interesting and how it relates to work we are doing in class. 

2) Then, under the People and Society tab, find the population pyramids for five different countries. Based on the shape of each pyramid, make a prediction about whether that country's population will rise rapidly, rise slowly, or decline. Finally, check your prediction for accuracy using, or the "Population growth rate" statistic in the CIA World Factbook.  

All work is to be posted to your blog, and if you don't finish the work in class, it becomes tonight's homework, due before midnight tonight. Be productive, be good to your sub, and I hope to see you soon.

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