Thursday, October 24, 2019

test tomorrow!

Tomorrow's test on Population and Migration is quite ace-able. What do you need to do to be successful on the test?

  • Get familiar with navigating the CIA World Factbook. A good strategy might be to re-do the 21 questions from earlier this week and see how quickly you can do them.
  • Bring a fully charged computer. You will have 20 minutes to look up 12 questions. That should be enough time, but not if you only have 5% battery life. Be ready!
  • Know the terms we have been discussing in class. The Population and Settlement slideshow is posted just to the right of this post. Click it and review it.
  • Be ready to do some math, which means you need to know the formulas for calculating Net Migration Rate and Rate of Natural Increase.
  • Know the concept behind pull forces and push forces, and be ready to apply that to different nations.
Thorough preparation, as detailed above, will help you succeed on this 100-point test!

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