Wednesday, January 8, 2020

extra credit opportunity

As much as I like the two hour late bell, I was disappointed that we were unable to have the assembly on Native American culture that was scheduled for today. The assembly was going to promote the Pow Wow that will be held at John Carroll this Saturday, January 11. Our Anthropology teacher Mr. Scholl has hosted Pow Wows for years here at JC, and and ours is one of the biggest and best Pow Wows on the entire East Coast. I highly recommend you attend, and I will even offer you an incentive for your support.

You can receive 10 points extra credit for showing me that you attended the Pow Wow. Do this by taking a selfie at the Pow Wow (near the drums, at a vendor, with Mr. Scholl, or somewhere else that proves you were there). Post the photo to your blog, along with the names of my Human Geo students in the photo, and I will add 10 points to your blog scores for this week.

The Pow Wow starts at 10am, but I recommend you be there at 1pm for the Grand Entry. The suggested donation for admission is $5 for adults and $2 per child. Proceeds benefit St. Labré Indian School in Ashland, Montana. Post your photo by midnight Sunday night, January 12, in order to get your 10 points.

And celebrate American Indian Culture at the Pow Wow! See you there!

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